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100% free

Answer a few questions about your mission, team, key metrics & fundraising amount.

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Premium, vetted investors will message you & request access to your protected data.

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You’re always in control, give or revoke access to your data anytime.

Free for startup founders

As founders ourselves, we built a platform that is 100% free for startups (no hidden fees).
Instead, investors pay a yearly membership fee to get verified & become Premium

Why startup founders love us 😍

Sean Reily

Founder at Brisk

Sign-up took me less than 10 minutes! Right away, I had several BAs interested in learning more about the company. Pretty great!

Jaira Romero

Founder at RemoteWoman

Super founder-friendly & easy to list. Most importantly, I found investors that really understood our mission & company values.
Private message investors

Investors will request access to your information & you can give or revoke access at anytime.

From there, you can message on our platform or take it to Zoom or offline.

Approve or Reject access to your information

You’re always in control when investors reach out to you. Give or revoke access to your data anytime.

Over 80+ startups actively listed right now - join them today!

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